- Fig.1 Lumbar spine A.P View with both Sacroiliac joints of 17 yrs old adolescent female
- Fig.2 Both S.I joints -same patient
- Fig.3 Lumbar spine-Lateral-same patient
- Fig.4 Pelvis P.A view of middle aged male patient
- Fig.5 T.L spine A.P view of same patient
- Fig.6 Lumbar spine -Lateral view same patient
- Fig.7 Thoracolumbar spine A.P view of 35 year old male patient
- Fig.8 Magnified view of Lumbar spine
- Fig.9 Thoracic spine-Lateral view-samepatient
- Fig.10 Cervical spine lateral view-same patient
- Fig.11 Chest P.A view -same patient
- Fig 12 Pelvis P.A View with both hips -same patient
- Fig.13 Lumbar spine lateral view of another patient
- Fig.14 Magnified view of same
- Fig.15 Lumbosacral spine A.P view of a 70 year old male patient
- Fig.16 T.L spine -Lateral view of same patient
Clinical Data
This post with radiographs from different patients with clinicaly and otherwise prooved cases of ankylosing spondylitis demonstrate radiological manifestations of disease from early changes to most advanced stage